Monday, November 06, 2006

Pathethic Liberalism.

If there is something I hate in this world (beyond my fucking goddamned reactionary pseudoracist "friends") it is goddamn liberal morons who take the glory from what a people did. This is the sort of people like Will Kymlicka - or even worse - Jonathan Wolff who spend their books going on and on about the great things that the working class has did in country after country and then attributes it to liberalism. The same liberalism that stood against it! The same liberalism that always joined the sides with the facists or slinked away like cowards! Spain, Germany, Italy! You pathetic little creeps: your burgeoise idealism has accomplished nothing; the people everything! Did the black community manage to take so much ground because you said kind things about them after they won? No! They fought their way there!

Do people have a good life because you stood up for democracy and humanity? No! Your nice words are just the same hipocricy that you have managed to write thousands upon thousands of pages of since John Stuart Mill. A pathethic wretch of a man who spoke kind words of freedom and tolerance: to the people who agreed with the upper class! Peace at all times - but not when the profits are threatened! Free speech - except when you're hungry!

You goddamn cowards: stand and deliver! Time to slink away completely with the upper class or join the left for actual change!


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