Sunday, April 01, 2007

Resistance in Center and Periphery

I just read a newspaper article about Somalia: another crisis that sends the tremor of imperialism out from it's center of Baghdad into the Horn of Africa. I was about to write about both the hubris of the American ruling class and their constant inability to retain and administer their frequent, if bloody, victories. I was also going to write about my own fears that the violence in especially Iraq, but also beyond that, is as much engineered and directed as unforeseen. That perhaps it is just more divide-and-conquer tactics that so many colonial groups have attempted before. But then, I saw something else that caught my eye.

Lenin's Tomb presents an incredibly interesting piece on Egypt and what is occurring there. A nation that still retains it's socialist legacy. I must share lenin's enthusiasm for what could occur: a victory against the egyptian upper class could change the hegemony of resistance in the Middle East. Indeed, it could be one of the first outbreaks of the newer socialist movements on another continent than it's home in Latin America and the Caribbean (not counting the Oaxaca soviet: the first surge of popular resistance that was not Zapatista, but not the last).

If anyone has more information on the Egyptian situation, I would be more than grateful for that.

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