Friday, June 15, 2007

Resistance and Reformism: G8 and links

Slowly some of what happened at the G8 meeting seeps back into popular, or at least leftist, circles. While the meeting wasn't stopped the blockades went far better than expected with a broad coalition coming together with a variety of tactics. The only problem of the popular front were the Greens and Attac through feeding the media picture of bad and good protestors.

However, this is more about some things you ought to read than a continued rambling about the G8 meeting. Check out the G8 TV for some first-hand videos. Also, this article in Arbetaren is rather quaint, but it is readable. Furthermore, there are some information on police agent provocateurs here. Furthermore this piece from an actual protestor is an important read.

Again, there weren't any organized riots, merely pockets of violence - set off by the police. And even if there had been, what would there be to it? The WTO protests in Seattle became important not because some Ghandinese resistance but because people dared to fight back. The same is true of what happened in Genoa, but also in other movements. If we truly believe that another world is possible, then confrontation with people who will lose in that system is inevitable. To conclude and to criticise the previous links and their pseudopacifism I found this. Read it.

Also, if you somehow happened to find this blog and were at the G8 meeting, please post some of your own views and ideas about what happened.



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