Friday, March 17, 2006

Ridiculous Things People Say. - Version 2.0!

Hello and good evening to you dear readers! Today I might regale you with more fantastic myths that are being spread by idiots.

Paraphrasing, but this is what some woman said today: "In the US all you have to do is be black and get shot and then make a song about it and you can get rich." Yes, yes. It's true, you know. If you're part of a minority then you WANT to get involved with crime. Actually you LIKE getting shot at. It's great - and it gets you -so- rich. Why do you think America has so many powerful black people, really? It's because they all went to jail and because the liberals there just love it!


This is just a loony idea. One of the looniest. The worst thing is that they actually believe it. Sure, some people who are involved with crime and make music that is based around that do get filthy rich. I don't like it, but what can you do here? It's your own capitalism that causes this. I don't believe in five year plans, but you have to face the facts. And you can do it without getting all worked up about it. I mean, it is the simple fact that some people buy their albums. But what does that mean? It only means that a small group succeeds. It doesn't make their situation any better, it doesn't lessen their poverty, their crime, their oppression. It doesn't change the situation of black people and other working class citizens around the world. This is just sheer outright racism.

And would these people ever complain over weapons contracts? You're making a -lot- more money than these rappers are, and you're murdering people all around the world. What's the difference?


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