Saturday, November 25, 2006

Are the tables turning?

Since the attacks on Americans soil by a handfull of crazed, desperate people the world has turned radically reactionary. Israel has become an even worse oppressive, racist state. Poland and Germany has seen upswings in conservative governments. All across Europe a tide of fascism has arisen from far-right racist parties. But maybe, just maybe, we can feel the wave breaking now.

The Democrats won across the board in the US thanks to the working class. This includes the first Socialist in the US parliament, the only real victory there. I have written before about what I think of the Democratic party. Thankfully, they might be able to stop the Republicans worst excesses.

The Oaxaxa province in Mexico has a popular rebellion spreading in it, while left-wing governments are installed all over South America. More than a few of those governments are problematic, but in the end we might be able to see a liberación of the backyard of the US after so many decades of blood and exploitation.

The fascists were completely driven out of Austria at long last. The Socialists had huge success in the Netherlands...

Maybe, just maybe, we're seeing the rise of the left once more. After so long time of slumber. The sad thing is, though, that something must give in the center for things to really ripple here. But at the very least, we can have our hopes for the working class in the periphery.


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