Thursday, February 22, 2007

Prod, prod, Prodi?

So Prodi is abdicating Italy because of the opposition of Communists, some Greens and the (don't laugh now!) Democratic Left. Lenin writes some about it, but I am afraid that I can't agree with him entirely. Entirely.

For much of the "far" Left short and long term tactics create major problems (conflicts if you so will). To win elections, mainstream Social Democratic or benign "centrist" parties must be allied with. Yet, these are as much the villains in the drama as anyone else. Sweden is the perfect example, a country where the reformists (or who once were reformists before their giant 80's right turn) have gone first in the breach to destroy the welfare state. This causes politics to be depoliticized as the one way of capitalism is espoused, creating elections that become more and more americana: "who do you like best?" rather than anything about ideology or democracy.

So while we are stuck with the class traitors for some time longer, we must realize that if we do not attempt to break through with our issues we'll just have a fading presence at the edge of contemporary politics (until capitalism comes into the next disastrous crisis anyway). However, I quoted the blogger lenin above, you others might remember that the actual Lenin warned us about radicalism: and for good reason. It's a sectarian mistake to just wander out somewhere in the left field, raving and ranting about something. Still, playing along with the hegemony can only be done for so long. I am certain Lenin understood this, and that breaks along with what the Left faces in Italy are entirely tactically sound.

One of the most progressive issues of our time is anti-imperialism. It stretches from the masses thrown into actual fighting in the Middle East, the Phillipines, Haiti, etc. to the slums of Mexico, the streets of New York, the EU parliament and is now heard in squares in Italy. People are sick and tired of being robbed, cheated and lied to. And as lenin remarks: Prodi is just a neolib wolf in social democratic sheep's clothes. Prodi isn't the problem, though: a hegemony and upper class elite that spans major parties are. Anti-imperialism is always important. Particularly in these days when the carrion eaters wheel over Iran.

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